
Can You Help Me?

I appreciate so much that you belong to my community!

And you are a very important part of it!

You don’t know how much I think about you and wonder how I can serve you better!

Sometimes I lie awake at night asking God to show me how to engage in the most meaningful way for you.

I’m here for YOU!

This is NOT the Lorraine Show.

I remember when I did not feel as fantastic as I do now.

I remember how I wished with everything in me for a happier, more harmonious life.

And I remember how I kept the FAITH and KEPT BELIEVING that things would turn around for me.

And they did.

And things continue to get better until now my life is a never ending UPWARD SPIRAL!

I want this for you, too!

Every year around this time I hunger to talk with my community.

I want to personally connect with you so I know the pulse-beat of what you want and need and how I might provide it.

I’m here for you- I want to use my years of training, wisdom and intuition to serve you in the greatest way possible.

And I don’t want to assume that I know what that is for you.

So, would you please help me?

I’d love and be so thankful for the opportunity to connect with you on the phone, or Skype/Zoom if you’re outside the US or Canada.

If you would answer some questions about what you’d to like to see in the way of programs, webinars and live streams, I’d appreciate that.

My mission is to support you on your journey into your harmonious life and to do everything possible to provide that for you.

So, thank you if you’re willing.

Please schedule a 15-30 minute call with me here?>>>>


I’ll be asking you things like:

What do you want most from your life and this year?

Tell me about your family: kids, partner?

What do you feel might be missing?

What webinar and program topics would you love to attend in 2018?

And anything else you’d want to share with me, I’m ALL EARS!

And I’d love to listen, get to know you, learn what’s most important to you, and what I can provide for you.

Basically I want to know:

What you dream of, how your life is going so far, what brings you to my community, and what you want and need to make your life better, happier, fuller, more peaceful:).

I am your safe place.

I’ve got you.

I’ve been there.

I’m a good listener.

Would you spend some time with me?

Book your 15-30 minute call here now: https://meetme.so/LorrainePursell.

Sometimes it just feels good to talk with someone safe who isn’t your friend or family member- – –

You know how it goes- they’re so emotionally entwined that they react to the situation more than you do!

Which really doesn’t help.

I am your impartial ear.

ADDED BONUS: I won’t blab your sacred stuff to anyone!

As a professionally trained counselor, I hold thousands of secrets.

And if you want to know anything about me, I’ll tell you!

Besides, it will be fun to hang out together!

Schedule here with me now: https://meetme.so/LorrainePursell

Talk soon, Lori P

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