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Doing what we need and Dreaming big

Hi Love – We all know what makes us do our best, run the best, do our life’s work the best. It is a trick to stay the course, though, with those tools that serve us to go the distance, and not let our minds talk us into going astray.

Why don’t we consistently do what’s good for us? I believe its roots are in unworthiness and deep beliefs that we don’t deserve every good thing. We have a wounded Inner Little Girl inside us. 

This Inner Child needs healing. Mostly, we’ve learned to cope with her uncomfortable feelings of stomach flutters and nervousness by getting busy, rushing around and distracting ourselves. But we are in a state of arrested development– a trauma happened when we were kids, and we stopped growing in that area. Or we drank and drugged to avoid her and the same thing occurs.

Until we address our Inner Little Girl, our ability to succeed in business and life is thwarted.

There are special ways to address this, and it’s been my life’s work as a former Marriage, Family and Child Counselor for 25 years, to use original and proven techniques and tools to move you through each stuck point as it arises so that you can expand into your dream and desire.

Life is fun when you can say, “YES!” to your dream and desire, and it’s a drag when you keep saying, “No I can’t.”

Let’s me help you heal your Inner Child so that you can live your dreams- the ones that are ‘from The Father,’ those de-sires.

Doors are now open on my new Inner Child Healing for Business. www.LorrainePursell.com/heal4biz

For a limited time, my business manager is giving a private bonus call to those who pay in full to map out how you can make your first $10k month as an entrepreneur. Go to www.Lorrainepursell.com/heal4biz to check it out!

Love love, Lorraine


P.S. The Courage to Dream- Fairy Godmother Monday

It’s the BIG desire that we focus on today- the one you’re scared to tell anyone about. THAT’S the one you want to tap into so that Universe can bring it to you.

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