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  • [webinar] Who’s dying to come out of you?

[webinar] Who’s dying to come out of you?

HI There —-

The sky really is the limit for you and your life- what I call Your Great Big Life.

But maybe you’re like me- my tendency is to pull back, be safe, stay comfortable and just EXIST. Yuck.

I’ve pioneered so much territory in my own life to uncover the fierce woman who is committed to living as full-out as I possible, and helped hundreds of women around the world do the very same.

It is scary, but it is so rewarding.

In fact, without it, we feel blah, complacent and average when we were designed to be anything BUT these things.

There is a whole new world waiting in your self expression and overcoming your fears to getting there.

Because I know you’re a rock star inside and might be able to use some help bringing that out like I have, I’m hosting a brand new video webinar to help support you toward that end.

The 3 Keys to Owning Your Authentic Self

and Finding Your True Happiness

If you’ve Struggled with finding, and mostly BEING, your True Authentic Self, then this brand new LIVE video webinar will help give you the courage to overcome your fears of visibility, putting yourself out there for the world to see, and the possible criticism as you take the leap into fully expressing your true nature.

I’ll be sharing my 3 Keys to finally releasing the blocks that are holding you back.


There are certain thresholds we must cross

to be in our true authenticity.

I share the 3 Keys I’ve used to gain the courage to walk this path so you can have

the most fulfilling life available to you.

Avoid these 3 joy-killers:

1~ complacency & comfort zone

2~ doubt & questioning ourselves

3~ fear of what others think of us as we step fully into our joy, peace & fulfillment

Register here now.

Can’t attend live? No worries- the replay will be sent to you.

Can’t wait to share space with you!




PS- Earth Angel School is here for you…

My global sisterhood of fierce, spiritually-based women living their purpose and giving their gifts every day, celebrating each other in my supportive community of kick-ass and no excuses women is here for you!

We celebrate you to fully express your true nature, darling.

It is time.

It is time to shine.

It is time to not take no for an answer.

Weekly I coach you live to bring you closer to your purpose, your bliss, your meaning. Bringing you into M-O-R-E.

No more Good Enough.

Earth Angel School is for you if you know there’s more and you’re ready to finally be the magnificent creature you KNOW you are! https://lorrainepursell.com/earthangelschool/

Experience Earth Angel School.


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