My love…
Did you know that there is nothing but the stream of well-being?
There is a flow, a string of light that fills every iota of your being.
All we need to do is to surrender into it as deeply as we can at the moment.
It’s all what we focus on- do we see the good or do we see the bad?
I spent years in the bad. It kept me very busy.
Somewhere along the line I decided to jump tracks- largely because I started to believe that dreams really can come true, that fairies and unicorns could be possible and that my wildest imaginings weren’t vain, but actually part of my connection to a vast, growing universe that really might love me instead of punish me.
I started to expand.
I started to believe.
And I started to believe that I, me, little ol’ me, could be great.
You. Can. Too.
The punitive universe is something that humans came up with to keep us all in line in a time when we needed to for survival. But the way our parents were, the way the church portrays God, the way our schools and teachers guided us is not the way the universe works.
Your success is imminent. That means that it is obviously on its way. It is “Of COURSE!”
Our job is to open to that possibility. Could be scary to expand into all the goodness that you desire.
Can we be brave, courageous and bold enough to believe? What if life, money, blessings, support and love actually were really really easy. If only we could just relax and float in the stream of well-being.
I’ve learned that it is all right here for us hiding behind the veil of our fear of punishment, our fear of standing tall above the crowd, our fear of being all of who we are and showing our full Soul’s face.
What would happen if you really shared your full loving heart- WITHOUT the gooey, sticky, yucky co-dependence, but from a place of knowing that you are only love itself, connected to only love itself, in this vast universe of only love?
There is only beauty. There is only love. There is only peace. There is only bliss. There is only calm and centeredness and quiet confidence. And all that looks like it is not, is the lovely things that we, as humans, have thrown up in front of all this beauty to hide it from our view until we forget that it’s there.
There is ONLY the stream of well-being coming from Source. Only. We can relax into it. We can surrender into it. How good can we let it be? How easy can we let it get? How much can we surrender into it and float in its calm, warm, supportive waters?
This is my path- surrendering into the ease of it all and removing any and all friction and difficulty that I’m in the habit of experiencing. Let it be easy.
Your success is imminent. It is obvious. It is like gravity. Or sunrises. Or babies laughing. So is mine. It is all here for us when we surrender and trust. AND take the next aligned action- what feels good and right to do. Do THAT. Not the ugh thing. Do what feels right, not what feels heavy. And if it feels heavy and you have to do it, like take out the garbage, then find a way in your own heart to make it fun and rewarding.
I do nothing out of drudge or sacrifice. Everything I do, I find a way to feel the beauty in it. Mostly. And when I witness that I’m drudging through something, I come back into joy. Somehow.
Here are some of the ways I come back into bliss from the shit show:
1-I notice the tress
2-I take a deep breath and recognize the miracle of my body
3-I see how the earth provides everything we need
4-I tap into and feel the love streaming into my body from every tree and plant and the floors and walls because it all is love.
Just some food for thought today.
Feel Your Blessings,
Did you experience any anxiety while reading this? Or self-doubt? Or feeling that you’re not enough? Did you have any thoughts like “She can, but not me”, “But you don’t know about my life”, or “That’s impossible”?
For the past 2 years, I’ve been creating powerful workshops on new topics that feel relevant and drop into my brain and then I give the talk. This is the next one, and it could help with that mental bullshit…