
Anxiety Is Your FRIEND?!

What if anxiety was your early warning signs that you were headed in the wrong direction? What if it were the first clue that you need to shift gears and move in another direction? What if anxiety was the flashing red light that said, “You’d better find another roadway to travel, because this one is fraught with danger.”

That is exactly what anxiety is. It is our early warning sign that we are heading in the wrong direction with our THOUGHTS (that’s right, our THOUGHTS create anxiety) are not producing any good result. Our thoughts at the moment are taking us down the wrong road that does not feel good and will only feel worse as we continue with them.

If we were to pay attention to how we FEEL, and were to notice the first signs of discomfort in our bodies, then we would be golden. But instead, we chew away at the sideways thoughts that pop into our heads because we think that we must solve the problems or discomforts. Not so. They are best left alone. I am learning to turn these distressing notions over to Source, the Angels and whoever will listen from the Higher Realms because in my own strength and wisdom I just do more damage with all of the internal justifying, explaining, validating and convincing that are my best effort.

Anxiety is our friend indicating that we need to halt and go another direction- hopefully a better feeling direction. Take a breath outside to break the trance. Find a tree and really look at its leaves. Examine its bark. Find a flower and witness the geometry present in every blossom. Anxiety is our wake up call saying, “Come back to well-being. Come back to your center, Come off the ledge and come back to beauty. Relax. Do what you can and need to do at the present moment, but let go of your grip and relax your jaw.”

I hope that this is of help to you, and if you’d like a more in-depth journey into the world of unraveling your own personal brand of anxiety, join me on October 9. Details in the P. S.

Hope to see you there.



P. S. Learn to Stop Anxiety before it takes hold and ruins your moment, your day and your life…

Anxiety is just an early warning sign like a sniffle indicates a cold if we don’t take care right away. When we get a sniffle, we don’t berate it, we see it as a clue that we should rest, drink water and tea and maybe some Vitamin C. Same with anxiety. At the first signs we notice, it indicates that we have engaged in a thought that is headed for trouble- GET OUT NOW is it’s indication.

In this workshop, you will come to understand the beauty of your internal guidance system and be thankful for your new sensitivity to this feeling we call anxious. I’ve been anxious my entire life, and recently have learned so many tools that helps me now see that as soon as I feel anxiousness, I stop. I release that anxious thought and I breathe it out.

Anxiety has become my friend, for it shows me that I’m headed in the wrong direction. It gives me a heads up that I can choose a better feeling thought and travel down that new road to more bliss and harmony.

Are your nerves feeling shattered right about now?

How about some Peace and Calm when pressure’s all around you?

These are very unusual times. If we don’t keep our center and our focus, the seed of anxiety will grow and grow. It is time to grab our bearings and remember who we are.

This place of peace and calm is your birthright. In this upcoming workshop, I will show you the hacks I’ve found and that have helped my clients to overcome, or at least calm, anxiety.

These are very simple processes and understandings that will help you cope with the change and know how to adapt to all to all that is going on in 2020 and beyond.

Having Peace and Calm Under Pressure

Especially in this time, we are under so much pressure. Our normal anxiety levels are going to whole new levels than we ever knew before. In this workshop, we will explore clear ways to lift anxiety and avoid our normal habit of diving into the path of deep fear.

In this 3-hour workshop, you will learn:

– Why we tend to lean into misery and anxiety

– How to stop yourself before you dive into anxiety

– Ways to hack anxiety once it takes hold

– What anxiety really is

– To gather your own tool kit of what will help your own particular brand of anxiety

Enroll here: www.lorrainepursell.com/anxietyhacks.

If you could use some peace and calm at this time, then register and put Friday, October 9 on your calendar, 5:30 pm ET. Can’t wait to share the breakthrough ways that I have found to gain peace and calm under pressure. Now at 66% off Early Bird Rate for a short time! Regular price for this powerful 3-hour workshop is $90- Early Bird is $40- And you keep the video of the workshop for life!

Don’t worry if you can’t make it live- you will OWN the 3-hour workshop to review and revisit and re-watch over and over again, and let this priceless relief soak deep into your psyche.

Registration link here for 66% off Early Bird Rate for a short timewww.lorrainepursell.com/anxietyhacks

About Lorraine:

Lorraine Pursell is a global thought leader on self-love, being a visionary and trading sadness, depression, doubt, guilt and shame for Fulfillment, Peace and Happiness.

As an International Bestselling Author, she shares virtual stages with Dr. John Gray, Dr. John Demartini, Alison Armstrong, Arielle Ford, Morgana Rae and many other global thought leaders.

In 2012 she began her journey out of life-long depression and an 18-year addiction to Zoloft, and now passionately shows others what she continues to learn, and teaches courageous, authentic expression.

Her honesty and self-disclosure on 2.5 years on NBC TV, videos and writing has earned her the love and respect of followers around the world since 1995.


Free eBook: www.3KeysToSelfLove.com

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