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  • I thought of you on my pre-dawn ocean walk + Last week for fr-ee coaching

I thought of you on my pre-dawn ocean walk + Last week for fr-ee coaching

I thought of you this morning as I was out at the ocean before dawn with my son, watching the lazy Atlantic wave in and out.

My son called me yesterday and said he wanted a companion for a pre-dawn ocean visit- I’m all in whenever he asks me anything.

So we had such a nice time hanging out an talking lightly and deeply about the stuff going on in our lives.

There was a moment when I wanted to grab the foam, so I ran up to a big hunk and put my hands into it.

I grabbed the foam and played with it mushing it into my hands

It smelled like fish and I couldn’t wait to catch the next wave to rinse it off of my hands, but I thought about you then.

I wanted to inspire you to do something weird that doesn’t make any sense.

Like it’s totally not logical to go to the ocean at 5:30 am and stand and sit in the dark and get rained on. But we did it.

And I wanted to ask you, “When was the last time you did something really illogical that did not make sense?”

And rubbing smelly sea foam in my hands? Kinda yucky, but it was an impulse and I followed it. I felt like being a little girl making mud pies again.

See, on Friday in our weekly Livestream on Facebook, when we checked into our bodies to see what they needed from us this weekend, my body said it needed excitement! HA!

So I jumped on it and had an low-key, restful, yet exciting weekend.

So it’s still early- you can still find something illogical to do before the weekend is over.

And join us Monday morning when we set out 1 intention for the week so you can stay focused and not have the typical scattered energy.

That’s on my Facebook Biz page and you’ll get the deets tomorrow morning.




PS- Last week for free coaching

Do you want a free coaching call with me to help you find your defining event and life’s purpose? It would be the beginning of getting out of mediocrity, sleep-walking through life and living a half-lived life. ($300 value)

This goes for my current and former CLIENTS as well.

Current and former clients are jumping on this because they know the value of a single hour with me and how their life can quickly shift from misery to peace.

I’m just inspired to give you this to you- it seems like fun to me. I want to see who you are. I can’t WAIT to see that you scheduled this call with me.

This is NOT a sales call or a Discovery call.

I just want to pour out service to you. But as I listen and give you what Spirit is giving me for you, I may mention a program that I feel would help only because I TRULY DESIRE to see you 100% healed and empowered.

Just schedule this free coaching call here. https://meetme.so/LorrainePursell

Blessings, L



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